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About Us

Chapter History


The Elsie Allen FFA Chapter was Chartered in 1994 with 75 FFA members and one agricutlure instructor.  We have a strong community support through the operation of the Elsie Allen High School Agriculture Boosters Organization.


Through the years we have had many great opportunities, and recently our facilities underwent a remodel through the California 1D Proposition.  We now have 2 different shops, a greenhouse facility and livestock facility.


FFA members have shared successes on CDE teams, Regions, State, and National Officer positions, and continue to lend to our theme that everyone should, "Take Ag-tion to find their FFAmily!"


+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +


    TO DO 

  + + + + + + + + Doing to Learn


     to live

living to serve

FFA Official Dress



Male Uniform


  1. Black slacks

  2. White collared shirt

  3. Official FFA necktie

  4. Black dress shoes

  5. Black socks

  6. Black belt and/or FFA suspenders

  7. An official FFA jacket zipped to the top

  8. Degree chain with State or American FFA Degree

Use of the FFA Jacket


  1. The jacket is to be worn only by

  2. The jacket should be kept clean and neat.

  3. The back of the jacket should have only a large official FFA emblem, the name of the state association and the name of the local chapter, region, district or area. The
    front of the jacket should have only a small official FFA emblem, the name of the individual, one office or honor and the year of that office or honor.

  4. The jacket should be worn on official occasions with the zipper fastened to the top. The collar should be turned down and the cuffs buttoned.

  5. The jacket should be worn by members and officers on all official FFA occasions, as well as other occasions where the chapter or state association is represented. It may be worn to school and other appropriate places.

  6. The jacket should only be worn to places that are appropriate for members to visit.

  7. School letters and insignia of other organizations should not be attached to or worn on the jacket.

  8. When the jacket becomes faded and
    worn, it should be discarded or the
    emblems and lettering removed.

  9. The emblems and lettering should be
    removed if the jacket is given or sold to a non-member.

  10. A member should act professionally when wearing the official FFA jacket.

  11. Members should refrain from use of
    tobacco and alcohol when underage and at all times when representing FFA. In addition, members should exhibit their leadership qualities when they encounter substances including tobacco and alcohol and serve to discourage others from inappropriate behavior.

Female Uniform


  1. Black pencil skirt

  2. White collared blouse

  3. Official FFA scarf

  4. Black dress shoes with a closed heel and toe

  5. Nude color nylons

    • National FFA requires black nylons at national events.

  6. An official FFA jacket zipped to the top

  7. Degree chain with State or American FFA Degree


Degrees and Awards


  1. All chapter degree, officer and award medals should be worn beneath the name on the right side of the jacket, with the exception of a single State FFA Degree charm or American FFA Degree key.

  2. These should be worn above the name or attached to a standard degree chain.

  3. No more than three medals should be worn on the jacket. These should represent 1.) the highest degree earned, 2.) the highest office held and 3.) the highest award earned by the member.


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